7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

A UV Pump laser System for micro-UED at Cornell

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC6.T25: Lasers Thursday Poster Session


Matthew Gordon (University of Chicago)


Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED) probes the dynamics of material structures which are triggered by a fs pump laser pulse. Some materials of interest for UED study, such as wide-bandgap insulators, require the use of UV pump lasers. Furthermore, UED with a probe size on the single micron scale requires high stability in the position, power, and size of the pump laser, which demands feedback systems and real time monitoring integrated in the full accelerator control system. Here we discuss a system currently implemented at a UED beamline at Cornell University for producing, monitoring, and stabilizing a UV pump lasers for UED with few micron probe beam sizes.

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Michael Kaemingk (Cornell University (CLASSE))


Adam Bartnik (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Cameron Duncan (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Jared Maxson (Cornell University) Matthew Andorf (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Matthew Gordon (University of Chicago)

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