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7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Expansion of the µTCA based direct sampling LLRF at MedAustron for hadron synchrotron applications

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC6.T27: Low Level RF Thursday Poster Session


Markus Wolf (EBG MedAustron GmbH)


The MedAustron Ion Therapy Centre is a synchrotron-based particle therapy facility, which delivers proton and carbon beams for clinical treatments. Currently, the facility treats 40 patients per day and is improving its systems and workflows to further increase this number. Although MedAustron is a young and modern center, the life-cycle of certain crucial control electronics is near end-of-life and needs to be addressed. This paper covers the expansion of the direct sampling µTCA based LLRF system presented in posters at Linac2022 and IBIC2022*. These extensions are particle beam-based regulation loops, which allow regulation of the heavy ion beams in the synchrotron. At the moment a phase regulation loop, to align cavity phases to beam phases, and a radial position regulation loop, to keep the beam orbit centered in the beam pipe are realized. Both of these additions rely on the already implemented real time configurable NCOs, the cavity regulation and the position measurement already presented in the posters mentioned above. The regulation can act on the base frequency of the NCO or the requested cavity phase to attain the requested setpoint.


  • Linac 2022 Proceedings THPOPA12
    ** IBIC 2022 Proceedings TUP10
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Markus Wolf (EBG MedAustron GmbH)


Ales Bardorfer (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia)) Borut Baricevic (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia)) Christoph Kurfuerst (EBG MedAustron GmbH) Claus Schmitzer (EBG MedAustron GmbH) Matjaz Repovz (EBG MedAustron GmbH) Matjaz Skabar (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia)) Miha Cerv (CIVIDEC Instrumentation (Austria)) Peter Paglovec (Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia)) Szymon Myalski (EBG MedAustron GmbH)

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