7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Absolute calibration of BSI monitors in the SPS North Area at CERN

11 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC6.T03: Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation Thursday Poster Session


Ms Luana Parsons França (CERN)


Developments in current and future experiments in the SPS North Area (NA) and PS East Area (EA) fixed target beam lines at CERN, including the “Physics Beyond Colliders” (PBC) program, require accurate determination of the number of protons on target (POT). The re-calibration of Beam Secondary Emission Intensity monitors (BSI), recently completed in one of the NA branches, reduced the estimated uncertainty on the absolute POT to a few percent. The calibration is based on an activation technique, applied to metal foils (Al, Cu), installed in front of the BSI and irradiated with the nominal proton intensity for a short period. The number of protons is determined from offline gamma spectrometry analysis of the foils and compared to the total integrated signal of the BSI. A description of the method, data analysis and results, will be presented and followed by considerations intended to standardise the procedure for future regular use in all SPS NA beamlines.

Funding Agency

This work was supported by STFC Liverpool Centre for Doctoral Training on Data Intensive Science (LIV.DAT) under grant agreement ST/P006752/1 and CERN.

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Ms Luana Parsons França (CERN)


Prof. Carsten Welsch (The University of Liverpool) Claudia Ahdida (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Federico Ravotti (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Federico Roncarolo (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Florent PHILIPPON (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Giuseppe Pezzullo (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Hao Zhang (Cockcroft Institute) Johannes Bernhard (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Maarten Van Dijk (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Markus Brugger (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Maxime Munos (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Michel Duraffourg (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Nabil MENAA (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Robert Froeschl (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Yann Pira (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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