7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

FAIR SIS100 Accelerating RF System - Modeling and Analysis of the Coupled LLRF Control Loops

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC6.T27: Low Level RF Thursday Poster Session


Janet Schmidt (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)


The SIS100 heavy ion synchrotron as core part of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will be equipped with 14 accelerating RF stations in the first stage of realization. Each RF station consists of a tunable ferrite-loaded cavity powered by a tetrode amplifier. Further key components are a solid-state pre-amplifier, a power supply unit, and dedicated Low-Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) feedforward and feedback systems to control amplitude and phase of the cavity gap voltage as well as the resonance frequency. Each cavity has to provide up to 20 kV peak gap voltage in the frequency range from 1.1 to 3.2 MHz. While all components of the system have been successfully tested in the factory acceptance tests and transferred to the FAIR storage, the First-of-Series (FoS) RF station is still persistently operated at GSI to gain experience. For further insight into the LLRF part, especially the stability of the control loops, the inter-coupling of the three local control loops was analyzed with methods from control theory based on simplified but realistic models, which have been developed based on extensive measurements and analysis of the systems’ behavior. In this contribution, the modeling as well as the analysis of the coupling between the LLRF control loops are discussed and the results are presented in comparison with measurements on the FoS system.

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Christoph Julien Wegmann (Technical University of Darmstadt)


Leon Kronshorst (Technical University of Darmstadt) Sebastian Orth (Technical University of Darmstadt) Kerstin Gross (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) Harald Klingbeil (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) Dieter Lens (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) Janet Schmidt (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) Alexander Stuhl (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) Bernhard Zipfel (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)

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