7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Activity inventories and decay heat generation of the LIEBE target at CERN

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC6.T18: Radiation Monitoring and Safety Thursday Poster Session


Benjaminas Togobickij (Lithuanian Energy Institute)


LIEBE (Liquid Eutectic Lead Bismuth Loop Target for EURISOL) is envisaged to enhance production of short-lived isotopes at higher beam powers. Radioisotopes produced at MEDICIS facility are extracted via mass separation, implanted in a small foil and delivered to other research facilities and targets like LIEBE. The high intense neutron and gama radiation produced in the liquid PbBi target results in a strong activation of the target. The activation and decay heat generation of the LIEBE target need to be assessed for maintenance, decommissioning and waste management purposes and the related safety analyses.
This paper presents the analyses performed within the study for providing up-to-date estimates of the activity inventories and the decay heat generation in the LIEBE target. To this end, a series of coupled MCNP transport and FISPACT-II inventory calculations were performed using the up-to-date LIEBE model and nuclear cross-section data from the FENDL-3.1 data library. Activity inventories and decay heat data were assessed for the target, consisting the PbBi, steel and other component materials.
The paper discusses the results obtained for the activity and the decay heat as a function of the decay time after radiation and also addresses the issue of the radiation dose loads which are to be expected due to the activated components/systems including PbBi eutectic.

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Benjaminas Togobickij (Lithuanian Energy Institute)


Mantas Povilaitis (Lithuanian Energy Institute) Andrius Slavickas (Lithuanian Energy Institute) Gediminas Stank¿nas (Lithuanian Energy Institute)

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