7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Virtual diagnostics for longitudinal phase space imaging

11 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC6.A27: Machine Learning and Digital Twin Modelling Thursday Poster Session


Johan Lundquist (European Spallation Source)


For any linear accelerator, a thorough understanding of the Longitudinal Phase Space (LPS) of the beam is a great advantage. At the synchrotron light source MAX IV the two storage rings are injected with electrons using a 3 GeV linear accelerator, which also serves to provide beam for a short pulse facility (SPF). A newly commissioned Transverse Deflecting Cavity (TDC) is used to reconstruct the full LPS in a separate branch in the SPF after the second bunch compressor. This diagnostic performs a destructive measurement to extract the LPS and can not be used simultaneously with the beamline in the other branch in the SPF. In this paper we present a new virtual diagnostics which utilizes machine learning methods to extract the LPS information from other, non-destructive signals in the MAX IV linac. This involves simulations of the linac including the TDC response, as well as the collection of real data from the new TDC, for use in training artificial neural networks to predict the full LPS.

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Johan Lundquist (European Spallation Source)


Francesca Curbis (Lund University) Sverker Werin (MAX IV Laboratory)

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