7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Design considerations for CERN´s second-generation Beam Interlock System

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC6.T23: Machine Protection Thursday Poster Session


Iván Romera (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


The Beam Interlock System (BIS) is the backbone of the machine protection system throughout the accelerator complex at CERN, including the LHC. The present BIS needs to be upgraded to ensure the required level of dependability and maintainability for the lifetime of the HL-LHC, which is planned to become operational in 2029. The present BIS, designed more than 15 years ago, has proven its reliability but is becoming obsolete and can no longer be deployed in new installations. In this paper we present the progress towards the deployment of a new beam interlocking solution for the CERN accelerators, including several identified new requirements for the HL-LHC. The prototypes of the main interlock boards have been produced and the first tests to validate their functionality were conducted and are described in detail.

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Iván Romera (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Josep Guasch-Martinez (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Christophe Martin (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Raffaello Secondo (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jan Uythoven (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Tomasz Podzorny (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Antoine Colinet (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Samuel Bolton (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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