7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

The consolidation of the interlock systems for the CERN North Area

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC6.T23: Machine Protection Thursday Poster Session


Iván Romera (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


The interlock systems of the CERN Experimental North Area will be consolidated in CERN’s Long Shutdowns 3 and 4, planned to start in 2026. The new interlock systems will guarantee the safe and efficient operation of the machine protection systems for the coming 25 years. The consolidation work includes not only the primary beam areas but also the secondary beam lines and possible new beam lines, as part of the Physics Beyond Colliders program.
This contribution describes the limitations of the present North Area interlock systems in terms of reliability and response, and gives the details of the proposed new interlocking systems based on CERN standard hardware, the Warm Magnet Interlock Controller (WIC) and the Beam Interlock System (BIS). The WIC protects the magnets against overheating and additionally interfaces with the power converters and the BIS. The BIS collects operational information from many different systems. The BIS will be SPS machine-cycle dependent and will act on the beam dump system in the SPS and on the beam intercepting devices in the North Area beam lines.

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Antoine Colinet (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Iván Romera (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Josep Guasch-Martinez (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Michal Kalinowski (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Christophe Martin (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Richard Mompo (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Raffaello Secondo (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jan Uythoven (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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