Electron beam injection and extraction from the various stages of the SOLEIL II accelerator complex will be performed in three different locations, as it is done today. Injection of the LINAC beam into the upgraded booster and then its extraction use traditional on-axis & on-momentum schemes with single turn kickers and septum magnets. The main Top-Up injection scheme in the storage ring* will use an off-axis & on-momentum betatron injection scheme. In particular, this scheme requires the design of a new type of Multiple Injection Kicker (MIK) which significantly differs from the current generation. This article presents the technical proposals and design constraints for the pulsed magnets and power supplies – dipole kicker, MIK and septum magnets - foreseen in the upgrade of SOLEIL.
: Progress on the New Booster for Soleil II, this conference
*: Progress on Injection Schemes foreseen for Soleil II, this conference
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