7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of titanium coating of multipole injection kicker by magnetron sputtering method

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC7.T14: Vacuum Technology Thursday Poster Session


Che-Kai Chan (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)


One of the projects for upgrading at the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is the design and fabrication of an improved multipole injection kicker (MIK). The aim is to improve the injection efficiency using four kickers, to deliver transparent injections during the top-up operation. A uniform titanium coating on the inner surface of the ce-ramic substrate is required to reduce the impedance of the stored electron beam and to conduct the image current. The study results of the deposition of a titanium film on a ceramic substrate (30 cm × 6 cm ) in a long vacuum chamber show that the thickness uniformity of the thin film can be controlled within 5 % with an electrical resis-tivity of 2 × 10-4 ohm-cm. The adhesion between the ceramic substrate and the titanium film meet the highest ASTM-D3359 5B requirements (bonding strength 39.2 MPa). The details of the coating set-up, experimental processes and measurement method are described in this paper.


Multipole injection kicker, Titanium Coating

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Bo-Ying Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Chun-Shien Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)


Che-Kai Chan (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Chin-Chun Chang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Chin Shueh (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Tse-Chuan Tseng (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)

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