7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Additive Manufacturing of 6 GHz seamless SRF copper cavities: printing, surface treatments and performance investigations

11 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T35: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components Thursday Poster Session


Valentina Candela (INFN- Sez. di Padova)


Traditionally produced SRF cavities are characterized by many limiting drawbacks, such as welding lines and poor reproducibility of their properties. Additive Manufacturing, and in particular Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), may overcome these issues: with this technology, it is possible to create seamless components with reproducible characteristics. But 6 GHz cavities cannot see internal supports because they would not be easily removable. On the other hand, the down-skin self-supporting surfaces are extremely rough and unsuitable for the intended application. Indeed, very smooth surfaces are required since copper cavities are internally coated with superconducting materials (like Nb or Nb alloys): several surface treatments have been performed and studied; tests like tightness, resonant frequency and internal inspections have also been carried out before and after the post-printing smoothening and coating stages. Results are very promising and they will be shown in this work.

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Valentina Candela (INFN- Sez. di Padova)


Massimiliano Bonesso (INFN- Sez. di Padova) Silvia Candela (INFN- Sez. di Padova) Eduard Chyhyrynets (Università degli Studi di Padova) Razvan Dima (INFN- Sez. di Padova) Giacomo Favero (INFN- Sez. di Padova) Davide Ford (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Cristian Pira (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Mateo Pozzi (Rosler Italian) Pietro Rebesan (INFN- Sez. di Padova) Adriano Pepato (Univ. degli Studi di Padova)

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