7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beam-beam long range compensator mechanical demonstrator

11 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T35: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Accelerator Components Thursday Poster Session


Carlotta Accettura (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Beam-Beam Long-Range Compensators employing current-carrying wires are considered as valuable options in hadron colliders to increase dynamic aperture at small crossing angles. This paper presents a simple design proposal for application at CERN LHC. The preliminary design allows for a certain scalability of the number of modules, current flowing in the wire, and dimensions. It complies with two key requirements: (a) the use of a thin, bare metal wire that allows for movement as near to the beam as necessary while minimising interactions with beam particles and meeting the specified DC current target; and (b) a wire support that is both an electrical insulator and a thermal conductor (ceramic).
A molybdenum wire, vacuum brazed on an aluminium nitride support, is proposed, and the design is conceptually proved through the realisation and extensive test of a demonstrator device. The wire brazing validation, as well as the system's heat management, which are the most critical aspects, are given particular regard.

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Leonardo Sito (University of Napoli Federico II)


Adriana Rossi (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Alessandro Bertarelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Carlotta Accettura (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Federico Carra (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Fritz Motschmann (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Guido Sterbini (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jorge Guardia (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Luca Gentini (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Marco Garlasché (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Michael Guinchard (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Oscar Sacristan De Frutos (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Stefan Hoell (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Yannis Papaphilippou (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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