7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Increasing equipment availability with CERN’s enterprise asset management platform

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC7.T31: Subsystems, Technology and Components, Other Thursday Poster Session


Per-Olof Friman (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Properly managed asset and maintenance processes is key for minimizing unplanned downtime and to ensure efficient operations of any large-scale technical installation, including particle accelerator complexes. CERN has therefore over the last years significantly increased its use of a commercial EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) platform in order to support such efforts. With its advanced maintenance management functionality and built-in industrial best practices, more than 40 equipment groups at CERN are today relying on this software platform, to manage their installations. This does currently not only cover equipment inventories and work order management, but also storerooms with spare part handling and contract management capabilities for outsourced services. Several initiatives have in addition been launched to strive towards more elaborate maintenance practices such as condition-based and predictive approaches, using additional data sources including SCADA systems and IoT devices. While continuously extending and tailoring the EAM and its use at CERN, a strict policy of zero customization of it is applied, in order to stay 100% compatible with future versions.

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David Widegren (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Lukasz Pater (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Goran Perinic (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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