7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

SLS 2.0 vacuum components design

11 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC7.T14: Vacuum Technology Thursday Poster Session


Romain Ganter (Paul Scherrer Institut)


The installation of the SLS2.0 storage ring will start in October 2023. Most of the vacuum chambers composing the 288 m long storage ring will be made out of copper to dissipate the synchrotron radiation heat and to decrease resistive wall impedance. The nominal inner diameter is 18 mm with a wall thickness minimum of one millimeter and distance to pole going down to 0.2 mm at some locations. In the 7 bend achromats dipoles, the chambers will have an antechamber ending with a glidcop crotch absorber. The whole ring will be NEG coated to speed up the vacuum conditioning. Each arc is about 18 m long without any bellows so that NEG activation can be made in an oven outside tunnel. The installation of this long arc in the magnet apertures will be a delicate crane transport. This paper will describe the design and production of the different vacuum components as well as the first components tests.

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Romain Ganter (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Peter Braschoss IV (Paul Scherrer Institut) Jonas Buchmann (Paul Scherrer Institut) Alessandro Citterio (Paul Scherrer Institut) Micha Dehler (Paul Scherrer Institut) Nazareno Gaiffi (Paul Scherrer Institut) Natalia Kirchgeorg (Paul Scherrer Institut) Marijo Magjar (Paul Scherrer Institut) Colette Rosenberg (Paul Scherrer Institut) Lothar Schulz (Paul Scherrer Institut) René Sieber (Paul Scherrer Institut) David Stephan (Paul Scherrer Institut) Xinyu Wang (Paul Scherrer Institut)

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