Friday Plenary
- Wolfram Fischer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
During last year a comprehensive R&D program on high-efficiency klystrons has been carried out in collaboration with industry. The first prototypes are being tested and experimental results are promising. The talk will describe the main results of this R&D focusing in the experimental ones.
The 4th generation synchrotron light sources and energy recovery linacs progress greatly in Japan. The first 4th generation synchrotron light source in Asia, NanoTerasu, has been constructed through a public-private regional partnership, whereas soon SPring-8 is to be upgraded. The energy recovery linac, which features not only high brightness but also sustainability as the cERL, and its...
In the US high energy planning process more than 30 colliders were considered. This talk gives an overview of these colliders and emphasized the strength of the various approaches.