One of the significant sources of residual losses in superconducting radio-frequency cavities is magnetic flux trapped during the cool-down due to the incomplete Messier effect. If the trapped vortices are non-uniformly distributed on the cavity surface, the temperature mapping revealed the “hotspots” at the location of high density of pinned vortices. Here, we performed a rf test on 1.3 GHz single cell cavity with the combination of the temperature mapping system. The temperature mapping reveled the development of the hot spots with the increase in rf field inside the cavity. When magnetic field is trapped locally on the surface of cavity, the hot-spots strength increase rapidly, showing the direct correlation of vortex induced hot spot and corresponding rf loss.
Funding Agency
The work is partially supported by the U.S. DOE, Office of science, Office of High Energy Physics under Awards No. DE-SC 0009960. This manuscript has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, L
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