19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Multi-physics and multi-objective design optimization of quadrupole resonators under geometric uncertainties

23 May 2024, 16:00
Blues (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC7.T38 Mechanical design Thursday Poster Session


Piotr Putek (Rostock University)


Exploring the fundamental properties of materials such as niobium, NbTiN, multilayers or Nb3Sn, in high-precision surface resistance measurements is highly relevant to superconducting radio-frequency (RF) technology. Typically, for a precise determination of the RF properties of superconducting samples, the calorimetric measurement is carried out with a quadrupole resonator (QPR). Still, one of the main challenges in the QPR design and operations is to mitigate the impact of microphonics and Lorentz force (LF) detuning, on the one hand, and the RF losses on the adapter flange with the fabrication tolerances, on the other hand, into QPR functioning. For this reason, we address the electro-stress-heat coupled problem under geometric uncertainties to study a significant measurement bias of the surface resistance, observed mainly for the third operating mode of the given QPR. We then use a multi-objective and multi-physics shape optimization method to compensate for its influence and find the optimal QPR design in the Pareto sense. Finally, the optimization results and their implications for QPR operating conditions are discussed to demonstrate the proposed approach.

Funding Agency

Founded by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Education BMBF under Contract No.05H21HRRB1

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Piotr Putek (Rostock University)


Gowrishankar Hallilingaiah (Rostock University) Marc Wenskat (University of Hamburg) Simon Adrian (Rostock University) Ursula van Rienen (Rostock University)

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