This paper reports the exploratory studies on advanced accelerator technologies performed within the I.FAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) EU project, and in particular the key results of the additive manufacturing Task 10.2 – “Additive Manufacturing – applications and potential developments” and Task 10.3 – “Repair of damaged accelerator components by AM technologies”. This includes results of two surveys targeted to the accelerator community: a) on current additive manufacturing applications in accelerators and expected new developments, b) on current additive manufacturing repair technologies for accelerator and list of possible applications. The paper is outlining potential additive manufacturing applications in accelerators and overall strategies applicable to accelerator components repairs benefiting from additive manufacturing technology.
Funding Agency
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004730
Region represented | Europe |
Paper preparation format | Word |