19–24 May 2024
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3D integration methodologies of the accelerators at CERN

23 May 2024, 16:00
Blues (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC7.T21 Infrastructures Thursday Poster Session


Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve))


The 3D design of large accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requires coordination among equipment, services, and infrastructures. As numerous systems are designed, procured, and installed, 3D integration studies are important steps at any stages of a project, starting from the conceptual phase with space reservations, envelopes and interfaces, followed by the technical design phase managing the detailed and simplified 3D models, and finishing by the installation phase with follow-up of discrepancies. While the first phases serve to validate the accelerator configuration and design, the installation phase is followed by a reverse engineering process to verify the ‘as-built’ configuration, representing the final actual setup of the accelerator. At CERN, the 3D integration office for the accelerators assumes responsibility for collecting, aggregating, centralizing, and checking the 3D models provided by CERN design offices such as equipment owners, electrical, civil engineering, metallic structure, transport, handling, cooling, and ventilation services. This office manages 3D space, avoiding mechanical interferences before and during the installation phase. This paper describes the CAD, PDM and PLM methodologies used for 3D integration of the accelerators at CERN, highlighting their critical aspects and specificities.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format Word

Primary author

Anastasiya Magazinik (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve))


Alparslan Tursun (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve)) Antoine Kosmicki (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Daniel del Alamo (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve)) Frederic Galleazzi (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jean-Pierre Corso (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Julie Coupard (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Nicolas Joannon (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve)) Stephane Maridor (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Vincent Barozier (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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