The National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center houses two accelerators, namely the Taiwan Light Source and the Taiwan Photon Source. It also includes approxi-mately 40 end stations.
The center has an information display board system that integrates information from the Instrumentation and Control Group, Experimental Facilities Division, Scien-tific Research Division, Radiation and Operation Safety Division, and User Administration and Promotion Office in the form of interactive display pages. It provides cru-cial information, such as source status, beamline details, and user sign-in data, as well as useful resources, such as end-station training courses and experimental safety approval forms.
The system offers diverse use cases tailored to the spe-cific needs of different users. This paper describes how we use the information display board system to improve safety management at the center.
Region represented | Asia |
Paper preparation format | Word |