19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Upgrade of the PS booster-to-ISOLDE beam transfer line to facilitate an increase in proton driver energy

23 May 2024, 16:00
Rock 'n Roll (MCC Exhibit Hall A)

Rock 'n Roll

MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC4.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport Thursday Poster Session


Matthew Fraser (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Following the successful completion of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, since 2021 the Proton Synchrotron (PS) Booster has served the LHC injector chain with protons at an increased kinetic energy of 2 GeV. An upgrade of the ISOLDE (Isotope Separator On-Line DEvice) facility has long been considered to produce radioactive ion beams with a higher energy proton driver beam. A Consolidation and Improvements programme is presently underway to maintain ISOLDE’s position as a world-leading ISOL facility in the decades to come, with activities planned during the upcoming Long Shutdown 3 (LS3) (2026 - 28) and beyond. This contribution details a study to upgrade the beam line from the PS Booster to ISOLDE to operate between 1.4 and 2 GeV, and to increase the power of the proton driver in the future, assuming the replacement of the two beam dumps behind the facility’s production targets.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX

Primary author

Matthew Fraser (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Ana Bernardes (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Antony Newborough (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Daniel del Alamo (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Edouard Grenier-Boley (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Fabio Pozzi (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Gian Piero Di Giovanni (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jean-Pierre Corso (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Joachim Vollaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jose Ferreira Somoza (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jose Maria Martin Ruiz (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jose Rodriguez (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Maria Perez Ornedo (Universidad de Sevilla) Pierre Valentin (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)) Pierre-Alexandre Thonet (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Sean Freeman (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Sebastian Rothe (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Serge Pittet (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Simon Albright (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Simon Stegemann (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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