Beam emittance plays the crucial role in a Beam transportation system. At a fixed-target beamline off the AGS Booster Synchrotron, beam emittance is determined through measuring the beam width via a segmented multi-wire ion chamber (SWIC) and varying quadrupole strength. The width of the beam signal (as Full Width Half Max) on the SWIC passes through a minimum value and the resulting dataset of FWHM per magnet current is used to fit a function. Using this technique, new controls software has been developed to set up measurements, acquire data, and perform analysis through a python-based scripts to calculate the emittance along the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) beamline. Initial results of the program are presented to for various points along the beamline in a variety of conditions.
Funding Agency
Work was supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC, under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy and by NASA (Contract No. T570X).
Region represented | North America |
Paper preparation format | LaTeX |