19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Performance optimization design of photocathode injector based on multi-objective genetic algorithm

23 May 2024, 16:00
Bluegrass (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport Thursday Poster Session


Zheng Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Generating beam with nC-level charge is of great significance for particle colliders. In order to achieve lower emittance and length of bunch, based on the photocathode injector, we designed a L-band gun and L-band accelerating tube. However, with many coupled parameters, it is difficult to optimize its performance to the limit when optimizing them separately. Therefore, we employed a multi-objective genetic algorithm for searching in the multi-dimensional parameter space and utilized a deep Gaussian process as a surrogate model to solve the high-dimensional parameter optimization problem. Through optimization, we successfully obtained the normalized transverse emittance of 3.4 π mm·mrad and the bunch length of 1.0 mm for a fixed charge of 5 nC. This indicates that our method can effectively improve the performance of the photocathode injector.

Region represented Asia
Paper preparation format Word

Primary author

Zheng Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Dr Cai Meng (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Ouzheng Xiao (Institute of High Energy Physics) Tianmu Xin (Institute of High Energy Physics) Xiaoping Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Zhi Song (Tsinghua University in Beijing) Zhongtian Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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