19–24 May 2024
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HL-LHC magnet production: building a complex planning to identify bottlenecks

21 May 2024, 16:00
Blues (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC4.A04 Circular Accelerators Tuesday Poster Session


Sarah Fleury (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


The High-Luminosity LHC project aims to enhance the integrated luminosity of the LHC machine by a factor of 10, by upgrading various components located in the LHC tunnel just before the collision points, with cutting-edge technologies. Among these innovations are the new superconducting magnets equipped with a combination of $Nb-Ti$ and $Nb_3Sn$. conductors. Over 100 magnets are being produced, each undergoing multiple production and test stages across different facilities worldwide, including laboratories outside CERN. Various technology systems are integrated into the magnets, involving collaboration with different groups for assembly work.

Recognizing the complexity of this production process, a comprehensive production and test schedule at CERN was established.

This paper elucidates the schedule tools implemented to oversee the entire resource loaded process. The compiled data serves to identify strategic or technical bottlenecks in the production flow. By adopting such an approach and simulating various production scenarios, the aim is to proactively address potential conflicts, to ensure the optimal allocation of resources and the readiness for installation during the Long Shutdown 3.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Sarah Fleury (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Ezio Todesco (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Maria Barberan Marin (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Marzia Bernardini (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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