19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
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Engineering studies on collimators for CERN’s experimental areas

21 May 2024, 16:00
Rock 'n Roll (MCC Exhibit Hall A)

Rock 'n Roll

MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC7.T19 Collimation Tuesday Poster Session


Laurence Nevay (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


In the framework of consolidation of the North Experimental Area at CERN, the 4-block secondary beamline collimators have been assessed with engineering studies and optimized for present beamline operation and future performance with higher beam intensities. Insights gained from experience and through an analysis of fault registration during operation, lead to improvements in the collimator mechanical design. FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations and finite element (FE) thermo-mechanical simulations were used to assess the performance of the collimator for the present beam characteristics. The simulations were cross-checked using experimental data from temperature sensors during beam testing. Similar FE studies using the Ansys software were conducted to assess the collimator limits for a future higher intensity beam. The results of these analyses are presented in this contribution.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Giulia Romagnoli (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Francisco Sanchez Galan (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jan Buesa Orgaz (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jerome Lendaro (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Laurence Nevay (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Maud Wehrle (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Nikolaos Charitonidis (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Ramon Folch (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Sylvain Girod (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Vasiliki Stergiou (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Vincent Marchand (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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