19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
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Progress of physics studies and beam commissioning of the High Energy Photon Source

21 May 2024, 16:00
Bluegrass (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.A05 Synchrotron Radiation Facilities Tuesday Poster Session


Jintao Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)


The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 34-pm, 1360-m storage ring light source being built in the suburb of Beijing, China. The HEPS construction started in 2019, with the main civil construction finished at the end of 2021. In the past year, the beam commissioning of the HEPS injector (both Linac and booster) was started and had been finished, and the equipment installation was underway for the storage ring simultaneously. In this paper, we will briefly introduce system conditioning and commissioning of the HEPS Linac and booster, and also simulation studies and high-level applications’ development for the commissioning of the storage ring.

Region represented Asia
Paper preparation format Word

Primary author

Yi Jiao (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Bin Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics) Dr Cai Meng (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Chenghui Yu (Institute of High Energy Physics) Chongchong Du (Institute of High Energy Physics) Daheng Ji (Institute of High Energy Physics) Dongbing Li (Institute of High Energy Physics) Fang Yan (Institute of High Energy Physics) Gang Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics) Haisheng Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics) Hongfei Ji (Institute of High Energy Physics) Huamin Qu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Jing Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Jingyi Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Jintao Li (Institute of High Energy Physics) Jiuqing Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics) Na Wang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) Nan Li (Institute of High Energy Physics) Ping He (Institute of High Energy Physics) Saike Tian (Institute of High Energy Physics) Sen Yue (Institute of High Energy Physics) Suying Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics) Wei Li (Institute of High Energy Physics) Weimin Pan (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xiang Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xiao Yu Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xiaohan Lu (Institute of High Energy Physics) Xiaohao Cui (Institute of High Energy Physics) Xiuqian Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xiyang Huang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xu Hang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Yaliang Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics) Yao Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Yuan Guo (Institute of High Energy Physics) Yuanli Luo (Institute of High Energy Physics) Yuanyuan Wei (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Yuemei Peng (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Yuting Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Zhe Duan (Institute of High Energy Physics) Zuyue Hao (Institute of High Energy Physics) Zhongtian Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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