19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Preliminary lattice design for Australian Synchrotron 2.0

21 May 2024, 16:00
Bluegrass (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.A05 Synchrotron Radiation Facilities Tuesday Poster Session


Tessa Charles (Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO)


A new project is underway to develop the successor to the current Australian Synchrotron. The new storage ring is proposed to be 455 m in circumference operating at 3 GeV. A preliminary 7BA lattice has been designed which utilizes the higher-order achromat (HOA) scheme to suppress strong sextupole driving terms. The lattice has 24 sectors and a natural horizontal emittance of 50 pm-rad. This is achieved using a combination of strong combined function magnets and reverse bending magnets in the unit cell, as well as careful tuning of the bending angles to preserve positive momentum compaction factor. The dynamic aperture, momentum aperture and Touschek lifetime have been optimized by tuning the linear optics and sextupole strengths with a multi-objective genetic algorithm.

Region represented Asia
Paper preparation format LaTeX

Primary author

Xuanhao Zhang (Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO)


Rohan Dowd (Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO) Tessa Charles (Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO) Yaw-Ren Tan (Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO)

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