Hung-Chun Chao
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
The design performance of the 3.5 GeV Diamond-II low-emittance electron storage ring has been studied as a function of the linear and nonlinear lattice tuning parameters. An alternative working point has been identified which optimizes the beam lifetime and the injection efficiency for off-axis injection. The simulations include misalignment and field strength errors, with the number of machine seeds tuned to achieve converging results whilst minimizing computational time. The optimization takes care to preserve the design beam emittance, energy spread, Twiss parameters and cell tunes. The results are presented for 2D parameter scans and exploring the null space of the chromaticity response matrix.
Region represented | Europe |
Paper preparation format | LaTeX |
Neven Blaskovic Kraljevic
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
Hung-Chun Chao
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
Hossein Ghasem
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
Ian Martin
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
Shaun Preston
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)