19–24 May 2024
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Status of undulators for the APS upgrade

21 May 2024, 16:00
Bluegrass (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.T15 Undulators and Wigglers Tuesday Poster Session


Yinghu Piao (Argonne National Laboratory)


The Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) project has developed and installed a multi-bend achromat (MBA) lattice operating at 6.0 GeV beam energy to replace the existing APS storage ring lattice that operated at 7.0 GeV. A major part of the project is to install 60 hybrid permanent magnet undulator (HPMU) insertion devices (IDs) that include 12 revolver undulators, each with two magnetic structures (for a total of 72 magnetic structures); and one electromagnetic undulator for intermediate energy x-rays (IEX). These IDs will outfit 35 sectors. We have developed new HPMU designs for five different period lengths used in 46 magnetic structures, and we will reuse 26 existing magnetic structures with four additional period lengths. Eight new superconducting undulators (SCUs) have been designed and built with two short period lengths and three different overall lengths [1-3]. The SCUs will be installed in both inline and canted configurations after beam commissioning is completed and the user runs start.
Demanding field requirements for the undulators were expected to be challenging for the undulator tuning, especially given the tight schedule. All undulators underwent rigorous tuning and control system tests before they were installed in the new storage ring. We will provide a status and schedule update including presenting measurement results of the IDs.

Funding Agency

Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under contract number DE-AC02-06CH11357.

Region represented North America
Paper preparation format Word


Roger Dejus (Argonne National Laboratory)


Grace Avellar (Argonne National Laboratory) Aric Donnelly (Argonne National Laboratory) Wei Li (Duke University) Elizabeth Moog (Argonne National Laboratory) Yinghu Piao (Argonne National Laboratory) Maofei Qian (Argonne National Laboratory) John TerHAAR (Argonne National Laboratory) Isaac Vasserman (Argonne National Laboratory) Joseph Xu (Argonne National Laboratory) Mohan Ramanathan (Argonne National Laboratory)

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