Recent progress of basic study on Harmonic nonlinear Compton scattering in Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility (BNL ATF) will be reported. Experiment is conducted by counter collision of a multi TW CO2 laser and 60-70 MeV electron beam having 300-600 pC of charge per pulse. Experiment AE131 is intended for two aspects of experimental demonstrations. A: Nonlinear bi harmonic effect seen in external lasers having shorter wavelength such as Nd:YAG laser induced by a long wavelength intense CO2 laser at scattered photon energy of 100 keV range. B: Detailed study on the harmonic radiation induced by circularly polarized multi TW CO2 laser which potentially contain the Orbital Angular Momentum at photon energy of 10 keV range.
Funding Agency
US DOE Accelerator Stewardship grant DE-SC0009914
Region represented | North America |
Paper preparation format | Word |