19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
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High-current deuteron accelerator for neutron production

21 May 2024, 16:00
Country (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC1.A16 Advanced Concepts Tuesday Poster Session


Yong Jiang (Particle Accelerator Research Foundation)


A novel deuteron accelerator concept, the deuteron cyclotron auto-resonance accelerator (dCARA) is presented here, with (a) an analytical theory to characterize a simplified model for dCARA, (b) simulated tracks of deuteron orbits in a more realistic model for dCARA, and (c) CST-Studio particle-in-cell simulations for high-current deuteron beams in a realistic dCARA. These predict that dCARA will produce a high-current multi-MeV beam of accelerated deuterons along an axis parallel to, but displaced from, the center conductor of a coaxial resonator immersed in a uniform static magnetic field. The example presented, where the magnetic field strength is 7.0 T (for cyclotron auto-resonance at 53.0 MHz), acceleration of a 100 mA deuteron beam from 60 keV to 35 MeV is predicted to occur along a 2.8 m long half-wave resonant cavity, with an efficiency of 88%. Such a beam could be highly competitive with that produced either with linacs or cyclotrons for an application to produce, via deuteron stripping, a high flux of neutrons with an energy spectrum centered near 14.1 MeV, as needed for testing inner-wall materials for a future deuterium-tritium fusion power reactor.

Funding Agency

Particle Accelerator Research Foundation

Region represented North America
Paper preparation format Word


Yong Jiang (Particle Accelerator Research Foundation)


Xiangyun Chang (Yale University) Jay Hirshfield (Omega-P, Inc.) Mark Palmer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

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