19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
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Beam loss studies for the P42 beamline at the CERN SPS north area

21 May 2024, 16:00
Country (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC1.T12 Beam Injection/Extraction and Transport Tuesday Poster Session


Luke Dyks (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


The P42 beamline transports 400 GeV protons from the CERN SPS between the T4 and T10 targets. A secondary particle beam is produced at the T10 target and transported along the K12 beamline to the experimental cavern ECN3, presently housing the NA62 experiment. In the context of the Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) study, an increase of the beam intensity in P42 has been considered to provide protons to a future high-intensity fixed-target experiment in ECN3. For both its present usage and especially for the intensity upgrade, it is important to reduce beam losses to a minimum to decrease environmental radiation levels and protect equipment. In this study, simulations of P42 with the Monte Carlo software BDSIM, are used to demonstrate that beam losses in P42 are primarily driven by particle-matter interactions in material intercepted by the beam. The distribution of the simulated losses is compared to doses measured along the beamline in radioprotection surveys and beam loss monitors. Future mitigation strategies to reduce beam losses are then discussed and evaluated.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Luke Dyks (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Alice Goillot (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Anna Baratto Roldan (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Bastien Rae (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Claudia Ahdida (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Dipanwita Banerjee (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Elisabetta Parozzi (Universita Milano Bicocca) Elzbieta Nowak (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Fabian Metzger (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Florian Stummer (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Giuseppe Mazzola (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Johannes Bernhard (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Laurence Nevay (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Laurent Gatignon (Lancaster University) Maarten Van Dijk (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Marc Jebramcik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Markus Brugger (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Matthew Fraser (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Nikolaos Charitonidis (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Robert Murphy (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Silvia Schuh-Erhard (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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