19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Automated optimization of accelerator settings at GSI

20 May 2024, 16:00
Blues (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC5.D13 Machine Learning Monday Poster Session


Nico Madysa (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)


The complexity of the GSI/FAIR accelerator facility demands a high level of automation in order to maximize time for physics experiments. Accelerator laboratories world-wide are exploring a large variety of techniques to achieve this, from classical optimization to reinforcement learning. This paper reports on the first results of using Geoff at GSI for automatic optimization of various beam manipulations. Geoff (Generic Optimization Framework & Frontend) is an open-source framework that harmonizes access to the above automation techniques and simplifies the transition towards and between them. It is maintained as part of the EURO-LABS project in cooperation between CERN and GSI. In dedicated beam experiments, the beam loss of the multi-turn injection into the SIS18 synchrotron has been reduced from 40% to 10% in about 15 minutes, where manual adjustment can take up to 2 hours. Geoff has also been used successfully at the GSI Fragment Separator (FRS) for beam steering. Further experimental activities include closed orbit correction for specific broken-symmetry high-transition-energy SIS18 optics with Bayesian optimization in comparison to traditional SVD-based correction.

Funding Agency

The EURO-LABS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101057511.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Sabrina Appel (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)


Adrian Oeftiger (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) Erika Kazantseva (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt) Helmut Weick (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) Nico Madysa (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) Oliver Boine-Frankenheim (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Stephane Pietri (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) Victoria Isensee (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt)

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