19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

The UK XFEL conceptual design and options analysis: mid-term update

20 May 2024, 16:00
Bluegrass (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers Monday Poster Session


Storm Mathisen (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


The UK XFEL project is now mid-way through its three-year Conceptual Design and Options Analysis (CDOA) phase. The purpose of this phase is to develop concepts to meet the required ‘next-generation’ XFEL capabilities identified in the project’s peer-reviewed Science Case, developed by UK scientists. The envisaged next-generation features are a step-change in both the number of simultaneous experiments and in their capability – through multiple, combinable FEL sources delivering transform limited pulses across a wide range of photon energies and pulse durations, together with a comprehensive array of synchronised sources including high power lasers and particle beams. The project is assessing options to achieve this either via a new UK-based facility or by investment at existing XFELs, based on criteria that include performance, cost, and environmental sustainability. The project is holding a series of Town Hall meetings and workshops around the UK (see https://xfel.ac.uk) and is expanding collaborations nationally and internationally.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX

Primary author

David Dunning (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


Barry Fell (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Dr Boris Militsyn (Science and Technology Facilities Council) David Walsh (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Deepa Angal-Kalinin (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Edward Snedden (Science and Technology Facilities Council) James Clarke (Science and Technology Facilities Council) James Green (Science and Technology Facilities Council) John Collier (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Jonathan Marangos (Imperial College of Science and Technology) Mark Roper (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Matthew Wilson (Science & Technology Facilities Council) Neil Thompson (Cockcroft Institute) Paul Aden (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Dr Peter Williams (Cockcroft Institute) Storm Mathisen (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

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