19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Simulation of CXFEL with MITHRA code

20 May 2024, 16:00
Bluegrass (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC2.A06 Free Electron Lasers Monday Poster Session


Elena Ros (Arizona State University)


The CXFEL project at ASU will produce coherent soft x-ray radiation at a university-scale facility. Unlike conventional XFELs, the CXFEL will use an optical undulator in addition to nanobunching the electron beam instead of a static magnetic undulator. This reduces the undulator period from cm-scale to micron scale and lowers the requirements on the electron beam energy. CXFEL’s overtaking geometry design reduces the effective undulator period to 7.86 μm to produce 1 keV photons. This is accomplished by crossing the laser and electron beam at a 30 degree overtaking angle, and using a tilted laser pulse front to maintain temporal overlap between the electron beam and laser pulse. The inverse Compton scattering interaction between a microbunched electron beam and an optical undulator falls out of the range of most accelerator codes. We employ MITHRA, a FEL full-wave FDTD solver software package which includes inverse Compton scattering to simulate the FEL lasing process. We have adapted the code to the CXFEL instrument design to simulate the radiation/electron beam interactions and report results of studies including scaling of key parameters.

Funding Agency

This work supported by the NSF Bio Directorate under midscale RI-2 award #2153503

Region represented North America
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Elena Ros (Arizona State University)


Lucas Malin (Arizona State University) Ross DeMott (Arizona State University) Samuel Teitelbaum (Arizona State University) Sean Tilton (Arizona State University) William Graves (Arizona State University)

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