19โ€“24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Progress on the design of the interaction region of the Electron-Ion Collider EIC

20 May 2024, 16:00
Country (MCC Exhibit Hall A)


MCC Exhibit Hall A

Poster Presentation MC1.A19 Electron-Hadron Colliders Monday Poster Session


Holger Witte (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


We present an update on the design of the Interaction Region (IR) for the the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) being built at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The EIC will collide high energy and highly polarized hadron and electron beams with a center of mass energy up to 140 GeV with luminosities of up to 10^34 /cm^2/s. The IR, located at RHIC's IR6, is designed to meet the requirements of the nuclear physics community as outlined in [1]. A second IR is technically feasible but not part of the project.
The magnet apertures are sufficiently large to allow desired collision products to reach the far-forward detectors; the electron magnet apertures in the rear direction are chosen to be large enough to pass the synchrotron radiation fan. In the forward direction the electron apertures are large enough for non-Gaussian tails.
The paper discusses a number of recent recent changes to the design. The machine free region was recently increased from 9 to 9.5 m to allow for more space in the forward direction for the detector. The superconducting magnets on the forward side now operate at 1.9 K, which helps crosstalk and space issues.

Funding Agency

Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 with the US Department of Energy.


[1] An Assessment of U.S.-Based Electron-Ion Collider Science. (2018). Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25171

Region represented North America
Paper preparation format LaTeX

Primary author

Holger Witte (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Alexander Kiselev (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Alexander Novokhatski (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Alexei Blednykh (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)) Andrew Marone (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Bamunuvita Gamage (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Brett Parker (Brookhaven National Laboratory) C Messe (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Charles Hetzel (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)) Chris Runyan (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Christoph Montag (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Chuyu Liu (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Daniel Marx (Brookhaven National Laboratory) David Gassner (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)) Douglas Holmes (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Elke Aschenauer (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Ferdinand Willeke (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Gary McIntyre (Brookhaven National Laboratory) George Mahler (Brookhaven National Laboratory) GianLuca Sabbi (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Guillaume Robert-Demolaize (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Henry Hocker (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Henry Lovelace III (Brookhaven National Laboratory) J. Berg (Brookhaven National Laboratory) James Rochford (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Jesse Schmalzle (Brookhaven National Laboratory) John Cozzolino (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Joseph Tuozzolo (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Karim Hamdi (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Kevin Smith (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Kirsten Drees (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Lucas Brouwer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Marcy Stutzman (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Michael Anerella (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Michael Blaskiewicz (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Michael Sullivan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Paolo Ferracin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Paul Kovach (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Qiong Wu (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Robert Palmer (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Soren Prestemon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Steve Peggs (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Steven Tepikian (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Tim Michalski (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) V Kashikin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Vadim Ptitsyn (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)) Vasiliy Morozov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Vittorio Marinozzi (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) William Christie (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Yun Luo (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Yuri Nosochkov (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Zhengqiao Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

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