19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

FCC-ee large-scale project installation planning: challenges & proposals

22 May 2024, 15:00
Davidson Ballroom (Music City Center)

Davidson Ballroom

Music City Center

201 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville, TN 37203, USA
Contributed Oral Presentation MC1.A02 Lepton Circular Colliders WECD: Colliders and other Particle and Nuclear Physics Acclerators (Contributed)


Sarah Fleury (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


CERN is contemplating further advancements in the energy frontier through the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study, envisioning a 90.7 km underground accelerator with multiple energy stages over time. Following the European Strategy for Particle Physics recommendation in 2020, CERN initiated a feasibility study to scrutinize all aspects of the FCC project.

A crucial component of this study involves developing a timeline from project approval to the beam operation of FCC-ee, the first collider with electron and positron. Since the last planning iteration in 2018, modifications in the machine layout and shaft configuration necessitated a re-evaluation of the planning.

This paper focuses on the updated planning for FCC-ee, spanning from civil engineering completion to beam operation. It compiles pertinent elements, including the civil engineering release date, layout data, and human resources regulations and limitations. These elements were analyzed systematically to derive a sector sequence. Employing a bottom-up approach in conjunction with resource constraints, an overarching plan for the FCC-ee machine until the start of operations was formulated.

Region represented Europe
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Sarah Fleury (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (CEGELEC SA (Actemium Geneve)) Jean-Paul Burnet (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Marzia Bernardini (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Michael Benedikt (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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