19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

LCLS-II-HE cavity acceptance testing progress

20 May 2024, 15:40
Davidson Ballroom (Music City Center)

Davidson Ballroom

Music City Center

201 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville, TN 37203, USA
Contributed Oral Presentation MC7.T07 Superconducting RF MOCD: Accelerator Technology and Sustainability (Contributed)


James Maniscalco (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)


LCLS-II-HE is an ongoing project to upgrade SLAC's superconducting linac. The upgrade will add 23 cryomodules with a total of 192 nine-cell 1.3 GHz nitrogen-doped niobium cavities. The production and qualification testing of these cavities is nearly complete. To date, they have achieved an average maximum gradient of 27.0±3.5 MV/m and an average Q0 of 3.24±0.38e+10 at the nominal operating gradient (21 MV/m). Here we present an update of the performance statistics and an outlook on the final stages of cavity qualification. We also report on issues and lessons learned during the industrial production process.

Region represented North America


James Maniscalco (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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