19–24 May 2024
Music City Center
US/Central timezone

Accelerator-based isotope production

20 May 2024, 10:00
Broadway Ballroom (Omni Hotel)

Broadway Ballroom

Omni Hotel

250 Rep. John Lewis Way South, Nashville, TN 37203
Invited Oral Presentation MC0: Plenary Talks Plenary before coffee


Oliver Kester (TRIUMF)


The World-wide accelerator-based isotope production for research as well as medical and industrial applications is growing. Aside the use of isotopes in fundamental research, their medical use is widely known, and isotopes enjoy growing importance in many fields. Isotopes are used in inter disciplinary research as tracers to examine the trace flow of nutrients and pollutants in the environment for instance. Isotopes are also used to characterize newly designed materials and the behavior of nano-structured materials that play a key role in modern electronics devices.
The production and investigation of short lived isotopes, also known as rare-isotopes, is mainly based on accelerators using different nuclear reactions. This talk gives an overview of the accelerators used for isotope production, the relevant performance parameters, and new trends that drive the technology development and physics understanding of these accelerators.

Region represented North America


Oliver Kester (TRIUMF)

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