Nov 7 – 11, 2022
Embassy Suites
US/Eastern timezone

Contribution List

43 / 43
Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH), Dr Willem Blokland (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
11/8/22, 9:00 AM
Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
11/8/22, 9:10 AM

This presentation covers the aims of the Team Meeting, it reports on JACoW’s mission, activities, areas of development, especially with Indico, challenges, future forecasts and needs. It describes the current active working groups, calls for expressions of interest and encourages parallel meetings with experts present.

Ronny Billen (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mr Takashi Kosuge (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
11/8/22, 9:40 AM

Overview of the work of the Regional Support Centres at CERN and KEK.

Adrian Mönnich (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Duarte Galvão (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
11/8/22, 10:00 AM

The Indico team has been a strong collaborator, working with JACoW and other stakeholder groups for the ongoing development and delivery of the tool for the community. This talk will give an overview of the project's status and of its direction, including features the team are working towards delivering to the JACoW and broader community.

Dr Todd Satogata (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
11/8/22, 11:30 AM

The JACoW collaboration has wide community of collaborators from around the world. Being born out of the arrival of electronic publication in the mid-nineties, JACoW has had a team of innovators who have co-operated delivering systems and tools for the organisation, operation, and long term achieving of conference proceedings for the accelerator and complementary communities. This talk will...

Dr Todd Satogata (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
11/8/22, 11:45 AM

This talk brings together the breakdown of the roles which have been developed over the years to execute a successful JACoW conference, and give an overview of what they contribute to the organisation, execution, and close out of the conference.

Porntip Sudmuang (Synchrotron Light Research Institute), Thakonwat Chanwattana (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
11/8/22, 12:00 PM

IPAC is the largest of the JACoW conference series, and IPAC'22, held in Bangkok, Thailand, was the first in-person IPAC since the beginning of COVID-19. Truly the land of smile, the local team work hard to overcome many difficulties to successfully run the conference. This presentation will be broken up into three parts with reports from, Scientific Secretariat, Chief Editor, and IT Manger.

Thakonwat Chanwattana (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
11/8/22, 2:00 PM

IPAC is the largest of the JACoW conference series, and IPAC'22, held in Bangkok, Thailand, was the first in-person IPAC since the beginning of COVID-19. Truly the land of smile, the local team work hard to overcome many difficulties to successfully run the conference. This presentation will be broken up into three parts with reports from, Scientific Secretariat, Chief Editor, and IT Manger.

Robert Apsimon (Cockcroft Institute)
11/8/22, 2:20 PM

This talk will give an overview of the current JACoW resources available online and include some discussion about future direction. The presenter will also give advice and information on how to provide additional content and contribute to the upkeep of existing content.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
11/8/22, 2:40 PM

Introduction to the topic of slide/transparency processing and a look at what will be covered in the slide-processing tutorial on Thursday morning. Team members are encouraged to use the information given here to help setup their computers to follow along with the tutorial on Thursday morning.

Volker Schaa (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
11/8/22, 4:00 PM

Though the urgency of the COVID-19 may be behind us, during the transition period back to what was the typical model of staffing and running a proceedings office, many teams have had to rely on inventive ways to achieve trained resourcing of the proceedings office. This talk will look at some of the ways this has been attempted over the past 2 years, some of the challenges which impact on...

Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
11/8/22, 4:20 PM

For over two decades now, the organisations, colleagues, and friends who make up the JACoW collaboration have dedicated themselves to preserving and distributing knowledge by and for the accelerator community. This presentation will look at some of the challenges and risks in sustainability, and will discuss existing collaboration models and other models we may need to consider into the future.

Dr Ivan Andrian (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
11/9/22, 9:00 AM

The Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste FEL2022 team courageously undertook the first live Alpha testing of JACoW-Indico this year. This talk will give an overview of the challenges, wins, and lessons learnt in this first live test.

Volker Schaa (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
11/9/22, 9:30 AM

Over the years, the papers submitted for publication in JACoW conference proceedings have been shifting in preferred platforms, file types, and accuracy of submissions. This talk will investigate and make comment on these evolving trends.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
11/9/22, 10:10 AM

This talk will discuss the tools and procedures which are used for editing papers with Word, and will give some tips and tricks.

Thakonwat Chanwattana (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)
11/9/22, 11:00 AM

IPAC is the largest of the JACoW conference series, and IPAC'22, held in Bangkok, Thailand, was the first in-person IPAC since the beginning of COVID-19. Truly the land of smile, the local team work hard to overcome many difficulties to successfully run the conference. This presentation will be broken up into three parts with reports from, Scientific Secretariat, Chief Editor, and IT Manger.

Dr Ivan Andrian (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.), Mr Stefano Deiuri (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
11/9/22, 11:30 AM

Though SPMS and Indico can both manage the Scientific Program and facilitate the Editing Workflow, there are many additional tools which have been built for extracting information and producing useful graphics, reports, and data entry to aid in the running of the conference and proceedings office. The presentation will look at these tools available both for SPMS and JACoW-Indico.

Dr Ivan Andrian (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
11/9/22, 11:55 AM

This presentation will look at how one can work with an external registration system linked to their SPMS or JACoW-Indico instance. The presentation will also cover methods by which registration information can flow back to SPMS and JACoW-Indico.

Johan Olander (European Spallation Source ERIC)
11/9/22, 12:10 PM

Having your computer systems set up correctly is critical for editors' workflow and for the quality of the final proceedings. The presentation will give information and advice about the standard setups and settings for editors' computers.

Dr Ivan Andrian (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
11/9/22, 2:00 PM

JACoW is thrilled by the collaboration with the Indico team at CERN to merge the knowledge from years of scientific program management and proceedings production into the JACoW-Indico platform. This presentation will demonstrate and provide advice on how to construct Scientific Programs within JACoW-Indico.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), Joshua Peters (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
11/9/22, 2:30 PM

This presentation will look at what the CatScan tool is, how it works, and how it can be used by your conference.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), Joshua Peters (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
11/9/22, 2:45 PM

The JACoW Search and Reference generation tool has become extensively used by the community since its introduction in 2019. The presentation will look at the tool, how it is used, and how it is maintained.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), Johan Olander (European Spallation Source ERIC), Robert Apsimon (Cockcroft Institute)
11/9/22, 4:00 PM

JACoW Templates, Paper Processing, Quality Assurance (QA) procedures, and Pitstop tutorial. The content of this presentation will give initial insight to the need for a greater workflow with tools to help manage problems with quality along the way.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
11/10/22, 9:00 AM

A large number of conference series are now routinely achieving oral presentation transparencies as part of the proceedings. This talk will look at the process which has been established with the SPMS instance to manage this process, and issues surrounding presentations utilising animations and videos and how these are embedded in the pdf file.

Volker Schaa (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
11/10/22, 11:00 AM

Google Scholar, INSPIRE, DOI's, ISSN, and ISBN all add to the value to proceedings published by the JACoW community, broadening the access to the content, and assist in the acknowledgment of the valuable work authors publish on This talk will give an insight into the work that continues after the conference finishes, and the additional attributes and meta data which are crafted...

Mr Vincent Mitts (Louisiana State University)
11/10/22, 11:30 AM

This topic covers three categories that have a direct affect on "Running a Successful Speaker Ready Room": Preparation & Setup, Speakers & Presentations, and
Good Communication.

Dr Ivan Andrian (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.)
11/10/22, 12:00 PM

This presentation will demonstrate and provide advice on how operate a proceedings-editing workflow using JACoW-Indico. This will be necessary training for those who will use the new platform.

Dr Todd Satogata (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
11/10/22, 2:00 PM

This is a compressed introduction to SPMS setup and key tasks. Longer introductory presentations and resources are linked to in the references at the end of this page that cover the material in much more detail. Complex software like SPMS is best learned by following the existing documentation in the Wiki SPMS Manual and trying out tasks yourself, and consulting with experts (Christine...

Jan Chrin (Paul Scherrer Institut)
11/10/22, 3:20 PM
Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
11/10/22, 4:00 PM
Jan Chrin (Paul Scherrer Institut)
11/10/22, 4:20 PM

LaTeX is becoming the dominant format by which authors are preparing their papers, and editing using LaTeX is increasingly a skill needed in every proceedings office. This tutorial will give a hands-on introduction to LaTeX.

Johan Olander (European Spallation Source ERIC)
11/11/22, 9:00 AM
Anthony Cuffe (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
11/11/22, 9:20 AM
Giulia Vinicola (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
11/11/22, 9:35 AM

Summary of the meeting, discussions, and future actions.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), Dr Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)
11/11/22, 9:55 AM
David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation), Johan Olander (European Spallation Source ERIC), Robert Apsimon (Cockcroft Institute)

Introduction to what will be covered in JACoW Templates, Paper Processing, Quality Assurance (QA) procedures, and Pitstop tutorial on Wednesday. The content of this presentation will give initial insight to the need for a greater workflow with tools to help manage problems with quality along the way.

David Button (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)

Introduction to what will be covered in these three talks on Wednesday afternoon.

Meghan McAteer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH)