August 27, 2023 to September 1, 2023
Verkehrshaus Luzern
Europe/Zurich timezone
Verkehrshaus in Lucerne, Switzerland, from 27 August to 1 September 2023

Abstract Submission

The deadline for the submission of abstracts to FLS'23 is 18 June 2023.  

Abstract Submission

All contributions will be managed using the JACoW Scientific Programme Management System (SPMS). All primary authors must own a profile and associated account within the JACoW repository, before submitting an abstract. Use the link and follow the instructions to check whether you already have a JACoW profile and associated account.
Once logged into the SPMS, please check to confirm that the data in your JACoW profile is up to date, especially your e-mail address and affiliation. Do this by clicking on the Modify Your Profile link.

Submit your abstract(s) by clicking on the Submit A New Abstract link and following the instructions below.

Abstract Title
Enter the title of the contribution using initial capital letters, for example,
“This is a Paper Title in Initial Capital Letters”.

Presentation Type
Contributions that are not invited oral presentations may select from among the following presentation types: Poster, Contributed Oral or Poster
The Scientific Programme Committee will select contributions for contributed oral presentation.
Main Classification of Abstracts
All contributions are grouped by main classification. These are:
• Linac-based light sources
• Ring-based light sources
• Compact light sources
• Key technologies

Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts to ensure that, if accepted for presentation, the paper is properly placed within the conference programme.