MC01.1 - Colliders and other Particle Physics Accelerators (Contributed)
- Oliver Boine-Frankenheim (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt)
SuperKEKB is a positron-electron collider with a nano-beam scheme and continues to achieve the world’s highest luminosity for the production of B meson pairs. The luminosity performance has been improved by the adoption of the crab-waist scheme. The nano-beam scheme allows the vertical beta function at the interaction point (IP) to be much smaller than the bunch length. The vertical beta...
The environmental credential of future colliders are increasingly in the spotlight, because of their size and complexity, and will be under scrutiny for their impact on the climate. Therefore, sustainability has become a prioritized goal in the design, planning and implementation of future accelerators; approaches to improved sustainability range from overall system design, optimization of...
A novel technique, called a spin transparency mode, for preservation and control of electron and ion spin polarization in colliders and storage rings has been proposed. The beam polarization can then be fully controlled by small adjustments of the snake axis orientations and snake strengths. An experiment has been carried out recently to test the concept. One of the RHIC rings is set to be...