MC07.1 - Accelerator Technology and Sustainability (Contributed)
- Peter McIntosh (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
The Eupraxia@SPARC_LAB project, foreseen a 1GeV Linac based on a X-band booster composed by 16 accelerating structures working at the nominal gradient of 60MV/m. In this framework, an intense activity has started in the last years in order to prove the reliability and functionality of the X-band technology at very high peak power. The main step of this activity has been the implementation of a...
A systematic study of microbunching instability is being carried out in the FERMI free-electron laser linac driver. This talk will report about modelling and experiments related to the instability, including the development of an infrared (IR) spectrometer for the diagnostic of microbunching-induced coherent emission in the IR spectral range.
Particle accelerators, relevant to LANL’s mission spaces will rely on the use of copper based rf structure for charged particle acceleration. Additively manufactured (AM) copper structures offer the usual well-known advantages in terms of relaxation of physical design (shape) constraints, and thus hold the promise of making complex shaped rf structures. To rapidly demonstrate the potential to...