Xiaoyang Zhang
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
The Steady-State Microbunching (SSMB) mechanism, which combines the benefits of high repetition rate of a storage ring and coherent radiation, has the potential to produce high average power short wavelength light. In order to generate kilowatt level radiation, the electron injector should have the ability to provide a 1 A average current, 100 ns long DC beam, with the requirements of small emittance (<1~mm$\cdot$ mrad), and very small energy spread (<$5\times 10^{-4}$) for the SSMB storage ring. This paper presents an overview of the physical design of the electron gun, linac, and stretching ring components of the injector, as well as the beam loading compensation methods employed in the electron gun and linear accelerator.
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Xiaoyang Zhang
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
Zhilong Pan
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
Peng-Wei Huang
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
Yuliang Jiang
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
Yanqing Jia
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
liwei chen
(Tsinghua University)
Jiaru Shi
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
Wenhui Huang
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)
Renkai Li
(Tsinghua University)
Chuanxiang Tang
(Tsinghua University in Beijing)