7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Seven years statistical analysis of the Siam photon source operation

8 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC2.A05: Synchrotron Radiation Facilities Monday Poster Session


Nawin Juntong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Thakonwat Chanwattana (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Thanapong Phimsen (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Thapakron Pulampong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Porntip Sudmuang (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Prapaiwan Sunwong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)


The Siam Photon Source, a synchrotron light source in Thailand, has undergone multiple improvements in recent years, including the installation of up to four insertion devices in the storage ring. The machine has operated at maximum capacity for a significant period of time. This study presents a statistical analysis of the machine's operation over the past seven years, including the number of beam service hours, machine downtimes, and repair times. The paper also discusses critical incidents that occurred during this period, such as faults with a booster ring bending magnet power supply, superconducting magnet cool-down problems, and issues with a cryogenic plant's liquefaction process. Furthermore, this report highlights major upgrades and improvements made over the past seven years to enhance beam quality.

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Nawin Juntong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)


Supan Boonsuya (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Sarawut Bootiew (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Thakonwat Chanwattana (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Chatchabhumi Dhammatong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Siriwan Jummunt (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Kritsada Kittimanapun (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Supat Klinkhieo (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Sukho Kongtawong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Apichai Kwankasem (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Wiwek Phacheerak (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Thanapong Phimsen (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Supachai Prawanta (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Chaiyut Preecha (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Thapakron Pulampong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Visitchai Sooksrimuang (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Porntip Sudmuang (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Prapaiwan Sunwong (Synchrotron Light Research Institute) Natthawut Suradet (Synchrotron Light Research Institute)

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