7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

SOLEIL machine status: operation and upgrade project

8 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC2.A05: Synchrotron Radiation Facilities Monday Poster Session


Alexandre Loulergue (Synchrotron soleil) Alexis Gamelin (Synchrotron soleil) Christian Herbeaux (Synchrotron soleil) Fabrice Marteau (Synchrotron soleil) Fernand Ribeiro (Synchrotron soleil) Francois Bouvet (Synchrotron soleil) Gilbert Schaguene (Synchrotron soleil) Gwenaelle Abeille (Synchrotron soleil) Jean-Francois Lamarre (Synchrotron soleil) Keihan Tavakoli (Synchrotron soleil) Marie Labat (Synchrotron soleil) Marie-Agnès Tordeux (Synchrotron soleil) Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron soleil) Nicolas Hubert (Synchrotron soleil) Olivier Marcouillé (Synchrotron soleil) Pascale Brunelle (Synchrotron soleil) Ryutaro Nagaoka (Synchrotron soleil) Steve Duigou (Synchrotron soleil) Xavier Deletoille (Synchrotron soleil) Yan Rahier (Synchrotron soleil) Yves-Marie Abiven (Synchrotron soleil)


The synchrotron SOLEIL is both a 2.75 GeV third-generation synchrotron light source and a research laboratory at the forefront of experimental techniques dedicated to matter analysis down to the atomic scale, as well as a service platform open to all scientific and industrial communities. We present the performance of the accelerators delivering extremely stable photon beams to 29 beamlines. The beam delivery schedule and the operation have been affected by the energy crisis. Shortages of cryogenic fluids and electronic components, coupled with a high inflation, are impacting the operation budget and the related projects. The update on the construction of the new low-energy footprint cooling station is presented. Finally, new developments and testing of prototype equipment related to the upgrade of the injector complex and the main storage ring are discussed.

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Laurent Nadolski (Synchrotron soleil)


Alexandre Loulergue (Synchrotron soleil) Alexis Gamelin (Synchrotron soleil) Amor Nadji (Synchrotron soleil) Christian Herbeaux (Synchrotron soleil) Fabrice Marteau (Synchrotron soleil) Fernand Ribeiro (Synchrotron soleil) Francois Bouvet (Synchrotron soleil) Gilbert Schaguene (Synchrotron soleil) Gwenaelle Abeille (Synchrotron soleil) Jean-Francois Lamarre (Synchrotron soleil) Keihan Tavakoli (Synchrotron soleil) Marie Labat (Synchrotron soleil) Marie-Agnès Tordeux (Synchrotron soleil) Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron soleil) Mohamed Nouna (Synchrotron soleil) Nicolas Béchu (Synchrotron soleil) Nicolas Hubert (Synchrotron soleil) Olivier Marcouillé (Synchrotron soleil) Pascale Brunelle (Synchrotron soleil) Ryutaro Nagaoka (Synchrotron soleil) Sebastien Ducourtieux (Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais) Steve Duigou (Synchrotron soleil) Vincent Leroux (Synchrotron soleil) Xavier Deletoille (Synchrotron soleil) Yan Rahier (Synchrotron soleil) Yves-Marie Abiven (Synchrotron soleil)

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