7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

A short-length transport line for laser-plasma accelerators using HTS periodic magnets

10 May 2023, 15:30
Sala Darsena

Sala Darsena

Contributed Oral Presentation MC7.T10: Superconducting Magnets MC07.2 - Accelerator Technology and Sustainability (Contributed)


Samira Fatehi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


In laser-plasma accelerators (LPA), due to extremely high accelerating gradients, electron bunches are accelerated to high energies in only a few millimeters to centimeters of acceleration length. To efficiently capture and transport the LPA-generated bunches in a compact transport line, beam line designs employing high-strength combined-function magnets based on high-temperature superconductor technology have been studied. Moreover, to overcome coil winding challenges in fabricating miniature HTS magnets, novel periodic magnets have been designed, which can collimate and guide the electron beams in a well-controlled short-length transport line. In this contribution, we present the beam dynamics calculations as well as the magnet designs for a 1.4 m transport line matching the LPA-generated electron beams to a transverse-gradient undulator.

Funding Agency

This work is supported by the BMBF project 05K19VKA PlasmaFEL (Federal Ministry of Education and Research).

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Samira Fatehi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


Axel Bernhard (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Anke-Susanne Mueller (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

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