The Eupraxia@SPARC_LAB project, foreseen a 1GeV Linac based on a X-band booster composed by 16 accelerating structures working at the nominal gradient of 60MV/m. In this framework, an intense activity has started in the last years in order to prove the reliability and functionality of the X-band technology at very high peak power. The main step of this activity has been the implementation of a X-band test station TEX, based on an RF power source capable to deliver 50MW RF pulses that are used for accelerating structures and RF components conditioning and testing. This test facility has been successfully commissioned and entered into operation at the end of 2022. Together with the source commissioning different RF components in X-band, necessary for the Eupraxia Linac, have been developed and will be tested soon at the nominal peak power in the TEX facility. In this article the status and operation of the TEX facility is reported together with a report on the main activities on the X-band technology performed at INFN-LNF.
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