7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recent experimental results from the dielectric wakefield acceleration program at CLARA facility

9 May 2023, 11:30
Sala Darsena

Sala Darsena

Contributed Oral Presentation MC3.A15: New Acceleration Techniques MC03.2 - Novel Particle Sources and Acceleration Techniques (Contributed)


Thomas Pacey (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


Dielectric wakefield acceleration (DWA) is a high gradient novel acceleration concept. To realise this concept for future high energy facilities, scalable models of the transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics from these wakefields must be created and experimentally verified. We present a summary of results from the recent experimental run at the CLARA facility. This study used both circular and planar quartz DWA structures and was performed with 100 pC bunch charge and 35 MeV beam energy. The effect of dipole-like and quadrupole-like wakefields from both structures were studied in detail for a variety of beam distributions. These results were used for the benchmarking a highly scalable simulation code which was developed in-house.

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Thomas Pacey (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


Bruno Muratori (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Guoxing Xia (Cockcroft Institute) Matthew King (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Neil Thompson (Cockcroft Institute) Nirav Joshi (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Storm Mathisen (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Toby Overton (Cockcroft Institute) Yuri Saveliev (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

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