7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

How and why setting up a company in Europe working on the particles accelerator field

9 May 2023, 15:45
Sala Grande

Sala Grande

Invited Oral Presentation Industry Session 2


Prof. Carsten Welsch (University of Liverpool)


The company D-Beam Ltd was established in 2015 to capitalize on the beam diagnostics R&D carried out in the QUASAR Group at the University of Liverpool/Cockcroft Institute. The start-up was one of the first companies to join the STFC CERN Business Incubation Centre (BIC) at Sci-Tech Daresbury. D-Beam has since become the partner of choice in a number of national and European projects.

The company's optical-fiber beam loss monitor (oBLM) was selected as an ASTeC technology highlight of the year in 2018/2019, D-Beam's research was highlighted as an STFC Impact Acceleration Account success story in 2020, and work into adaptive optics based monitors was recognized as an ARIES success story.

This talk will discuss the challenges related to setting up a spin-out company and present ideas of how to successfully engage with funders and research partners.

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Prof. Carsten Welsch (University of Liverpool)

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